Visitors to Victoria fabulous studio and flats….
Furnished Suites available by the month
House of All Sorts
“The house of All Sorts could not have been quite itself in any other spot in the world than just where it stood, here, in Victoria, across James Bay and right next to Beacon Hill Park.”
Welcome to the House of All Sorts – built in 1912.
When Emily Carr returned from Europe in 1911, she commissioned an architect to assist her with designing her home and studio upstairs, with two separate rental flats on the main floor.

Studio Suite
Incredible open working artist studio with easels, huge north facing original artist window “the finest studio in Victoria”

History – Emily Carr & House of All Sorts
Emily Carr spent most of her life in British Columbia. Her family led a conservative English life in Victoria.

The Attic
“The attic was no older than the rest of the house. Yet, from the first to me it was very old, old in the sense of dearness, … as far back as memory goes. That was the way with my attic. …[It] became my special corner – the one place really my own.”